Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Play Practice: Extended Edition!

Tonight, I have play practice until 9:30.

This is going to be a long night.

But, my favorite person ever is here, so that's cool.


He's going to play the trumpet for the musical.

That should be fun.

Have you ever shouted a secret of someone's when you didn't even know it was a secret? I hate it when that happens. I always feel really awful afterwords. I wish there was some way to prevent that sort of thing. Or some sort of insurance you could get so that you can make sure that after, their life isn't ruined. What if you accidentally reveal some sort of really deep and dark secret that they didn't want anyone to know? That would be terrible.

I wish I could control some things that I just can't. It's frustrating.

I'm going to be running lines and singing things all night. I need to keep my voice strong. STRONG! If I'm going to play a man, I need a strong voice.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, My sister is playing a man in her play too. A black man, actually. And he's a midget. If she can pull it off I'll truly be amazing.

    Scrolling for Friends,
