Tuesday, July 28, 2009

4/100 Blogs in 100 Days

Sometimes, when you spend a majority of your summer wearing jeans, you don't realize how good it feels to lounge around in old shorts that you just found sitting on your bedroom floor and watch DVDs of your favorite people with commentary and laugh your ass off.

Doing it in shorts is way different than in jeans. Trust me on this. Way different.

I love that the first time I watched Stella, I only watched it to laugh my ass off at the ridiculousness (whenever I say ridiculous in my head, I say it like ridikkulus from Harry Potter. The way David Thewlis says it in the movie. I am such a nerd.) of these three guys running around in suits and being brilliantly funny. But now that I have read the interviews and stuff, I can keep all the things they have said about it in mind while I watch.

Some of the shots in the show are really beautiful. Not the stock footage (which is actually really out of place and mismatchy sometimes) but the shots of the apartment or whatever. I love listening to them talk about the lighting and everything. It fascinates me.

Of course, among the fascinating stuff is an assortment of fart jokes, random cursing, and eating obnoxiously which is really the reason I fell in love with them in the first place. They are complete and total leotards.

Today, I am planning on doing some screencaps for my Michael Showalter tumblelog (I am a shameless self promoter). Maybe of the Stella Shorts, The Baxter, or Stella the TV show. Or maybe I won't do that. Anything can happen.


  1. I do that alot. Commentaries are hilarious. The one on Forgetting Sarah Marshal Is really funny.

    I have a song to sing:

    What do tiger's dream of, When they take a little tiger snooze,
    Do they dream of mauling Zebra's, Or Halle Berry in her catwoman suit,
    Don't you worry you're pretty striped head, we're gonna get you back to Tyson and your cozy tiger bed,
    And then we're gonna find our best friend Doug, and then we;re gonna give him a bestfriend hug,
    Doug Doug Oh Doug Dougie Dougie Doug Doug,
    And if he's been murdered by crystel meth tweekers, Well then we're shit outta luck.

  2. I only wear shorts in the summer.
    I call it the summer feeling.
    I don't know why.

  3. Cause shorts don't go with any other season. Try wearing shorts in the spring even. It's just not the same.

    And Hunter, why are you quoting/mentioning The Hangover in EVERY SINGLE COMMENT you leave? Lol.

  4. Because your language is offensive.
