Saturday, July 11, 2009


You are like a puzzle that walked into my life, every piece clinging to each other perfectly. You were beautiful and I had you all figured out.

Gradually, pieces that I was so sure of just started going missing. A little piece here, a piece there. I watched my idea of you fall apart, slowly but surely.

At some point, I started trying to put everything back together with tape and glue, but, of course it doesn't work that way. It takes something stronger.

One day, you were just a vague idea of the person I once thought I knew. So, I picked up all the pieces that had fallen apart over time and started putting them back together, slowly but surely.

Now, you're still a puzzle. Some pieces aren't meant to be put in their place. I'm ok with that. It still gets frustrating, though, to try and figure out your words and my actions.

I just wanted to let you know that it's ok. We're friends, now, and that's the best thing that could've happened.


  1. Your welcome. ;')

    Did you know they gave out rings at the Holocaust?

  2. Can you wait to call me things untill school starts? I mean seriously, it was a joke. I obviously don't think the post was directed at me, and the only reason I even said anything was because it didn't seem like Julia was in a good mood, and I'd thought I'd try to cheer her up, which is why I added the hangover quote. If Julia has a problem with that, then she can tell me. And another thing, after you guys talked to me on the last day of school, I decided to try to not be so annoying, and if no ones even gonna give me a chance then I won't try. Shame on me for trying to cheer someone up. You win, I suck.

    Congratu- freakin-lations.

  3. Thank you to both of you for commenting. Please no fights on my bloggity blogs? Peace and love, everybody. Peace and love!
