Friday, May 1, 2009


I am fascinated by YouTube.

Think about it. To quote my darling mother: it's like a science fiction film.

A community of people from all different continents, mingling and talking about their day-to-day life, what they ate for breakfast, what they want to do with their lives, posting themselves singing or playing guitar or showcasing other skills.

If you're not immersed completely into YouTube, you might not get the feeling I get when I log on, but, the principle still applies.

I subscribe to a lot of different people on YouTube. It's amazing what a variety of people you can find. You can start on a squirrel on water skis and end up navigating your way into a video of a 28-year-old man celebrating with slap bracelets. From there, there are songwriters and pop culturists and gamers and politicians.

Oh, Wheezy Waiter ( You and your slap bracelets.

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