Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Fair

The ferris wheel was huge. I've always loved to watch which way the lights travel on the big ferris wheel.

It was the kind of day that I imagine songwriters write songs about. I ran into people I knew, I discovered that I actually really like hanging out with a certain person I was hanging out with (HUNTER), there was drama between my sister and I.

The first thing Hunter made me do was ride The Zipper. I promised him I would do it when I told him I would go to the fair. It was... crazy. To say the least. That ride is rusty and scary and totally insane. I can't believe I rode it. But, if he is at the fair today, I am probably going to do it again.

Fried food was thick in the air. That's one of my favorite parts. As soon as you walk in, the food stands are there, making french fries and funnel cakes, and fried Oreos. I have never had a fried Oreo, but, I might get one in honor of a running thing I have with my friend Kayla. (She lives in California, you probably wouldn't know her.)

There was an Elvis impersonator. I love the performers they have at the fair. I don't know why, but, they make me giggle. I especially love it when they talk to the audience. They are so excited, you can tell, and the audience eats it up.

Kiri is going to be at the fair today, so I am going again. I don't get to talk to her during school much, so I'm excited to see her.

Wish me luck! Hopefully I don't die on The Zipper...

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