Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Rotten Honey

Have you ever had one of those days where you just can't get a song-- I don't know why I feel this way. I don't know if it's right or wrong to laugh at misfortune.-- out of your head?

Sometimes, I love-- Does it hurt? Oh, it really doesn't matter. Does it burn? Oh, I don't feel a thing. -- days like that. But, sometimes, I hate them. Luckily, today was the former. I had an Oingo Boingo song stuck in my head for the entire day. It was pretty fantastic to have Danny Elfman bouncing off the walls of my skull like a madman while I walked through the halls at school.

I'm so glad that Vito showed me Oingo Boingo this year. Otherwise, I'm not entirely sure I would have gotten into them. Fantastic songs. Absolutely fantastic. They're porbably one of my favorite bands right now. I love them.

The last time that I fell in love
the love was milk and honey but the milk turned sour.
The woman became a monster
and everyone I knew had become a stranger
and the room went black and my luck was spent.
The floor opened up, down I went.


  1. Aawww I love her to Braxton!

    (Ugh I'm sick.)

    ~Lil Amy

  2. @Lil Amy

    Ha ha, I edited the post. XP

    I hope you get well soon!
