Friday, April 10, 2009

God, I love rainbows

What if you had been taught the colors differently than the people around you?

Like, what if someone asked you what color Snow White's hair is and you said green? Not because you were stupid but because someone taught you that the name of what most people call black was green. And they taught you that the name of what most people call green was black.

You could say that colors are almost essential simply to day-to-day life. Someone who had been taught their colors incorrectly would be at a serious disadvantage.

You could be trying to meet someone at Barnes & Noble's:

You: Where are you?
Someone: I'm at the cafe. I've got my blue blouse on.
You: Ok, I'll come find you.
(Twenty minutes later, you find them.)
You: What the hell? That blouse is yellow!
Someone: ...Are you stupid?

For something just as simple as meeting a friend, it could end up disastrous.

And have you ever tried to describe a color to someone? Right now, I dare you to try and describe the color red. You could try to use examples of things that are red, but, with most any color not all of those things are always red. Like, there are green apples as well. I usually go for describing them with feelings. Like, red can be anger or love or passion. Blue is sadness or serenity. Green is envy.

Common association makes somethings easier, but, some people might not know the saying "Green with envy." It would be like taking a trip to China and bringing an English to Russian dictionary.

PS. Do you like my lovely picture?


  1. Colbert sez: Rainbows are God's way of frowning at gay people.

  2. Uhh Brick Top that's not very nice...

    Anyway, Hiya Braxton! (This is a reply to your comment on my Good Friday post)

    I wish I'd be better before the show, but I feel horrible! Ugh. My nose is stuffed up now and my voice is far away on a unknown island off the coast of Peru!!!!

    About the whole color thing I've thought of this to. Why is a cat called a cat? Who came up with these names? Why do they HAVE to be the way I was taught?

    That's it! I'm changing Amy's name to... YELLOW!

  3. Hey, I just wanted to say that you have a really flowing and fluent way of writing. It's awesome.
