Sunday, July 26, 2009

2/100 Blogs in 100 Days

I love hearing from friends when I'm not expecting it. Most times, it's just texts from mainly two different friends. Kiri and Kayla. They are the two people I love to hear from a lot.

I had a dream that I got the money to see Kayla in California last night. Michael Showalter was in my dream, too. So exciting. But, very weird. I am confused by it now, but, at the time it seemed to make perfect sense. Most times, I like dreams like that.

So, I texted Kayla about the dream and we were talking. Then, Kiri texted me and invited me to many and varied theme parks, including a water park tomorrow with her family.

The thing about me is, I don't normally contact my friends about hanging out. This can be taken poorly by some (or most) but it is almost never personal. I am just lazy. It occurs to me 'Hey, I want to see Kiri' but it never occurs to me to take the initiative and tell her I want to see her.

It's always sort of been that way with me. But, whenever anyone asks, I want to. I ask my parents immediately, I say yes! So it's not about the friend in question, it's about my laziness and my stupidity. I love it when friends make plans with me.

I think my birthday party might help me take a step toward not sucking at contacting friends and making plans. It won't be too many people, but, I think that inviting the few people over who I am actually inviting will help me squash out my habit of neglecting friends.

The point is, I am seeing my bestest friend tonight/tomorrow and I am getting very excited for it. I am still like a five year old in this sense. Treats like this thrill me.


  1. If I'm nbot invited I'll find, and I will kill you.

    I <3 Movie qoutes.
