Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer Tuesday

I stayed up until 2AM last night.

I haven't stayed up past midnight in a while. It felt good.

I was sitting on a chair on the laptop/writing in one of my journals while my brother and his friend sat on the couch opposite my chair and played Playstation 3.

I felt at ease. It was really nice.

Today, I woke up at ten o'clock. I haven't slept in past nine in a while. It felt good, so, I went back to sleep and stayed in bed until eleven.

Now, I am wearing my Cinematic Titanic tshirt and eating a brownie cake for breakfast.

Summer tastes sweet.


  1. Who doesn't? I mean, really. You have to be evil to not like brownie cake.

    You should come over and try some. :P Jake and I baked it together.

  2. I don't like brownie cake.

    And I eat babies.

    I'm not evil.

    Am I?

  3. Hunter, do us all a favor and shut up. :P
